Vancouver Style Referencing Explained!

Order of Elements in the Vancouver Style Citation: Example Citation: If there are three authors: Smith AB, Brown EF, Patel JK. Monitoring advancements in pediatric anesthesia: A comprehensive review. Pediatr Anesth. 2023;33(5):555-67. If there are more than six authors: Smith AB, Brown EF, Patel JK, Williams LM, Davis OP, Chen Y, et al. Monitoring advancements … Read more

Advanced Monitoring of Ventilation/Perfusion (V/Q) Mismatch During Surgery: Impact on Patient Outcomes

Abstract Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch during surgery is a critical factor influencing patient outcomes, particularly in high-risk procedures. Advanced technologies such as automatic lung parameter estimation (ALPE), lung ultrasound (LUS), electrical impedance tomography (EIT), CO₂ monitoring, and machine learning have significantly improved our ability to monitor and manage V/Q mismatch in real-time. This article reviews multiple … Read more

Evaluating the Impact of Airway Devices and Ventilation Strategies on Atelectasis: Insights from Recent Research

Introduction Atelectasis, or the collapse of lung tissue, is a common and potentially serious complication associated with anesthesia and mechanical ventilation. It can result from various factors including airway management strategies and ventilatory settings. Traditionally, endotracheal tubes (ETTs) have been the gold standard for airway management during surgery, but recent studies suggest that supraglottic airways … Read more

Effect of oral premedication with pregabalin on hemodynamic stability during  laryngoscopy and pneumoperitonium in laparoscopic surgeries :A dose response study

This study was a prospective randomized double blinded study conducted on 108 patients at Lakeshore Hospital & Research Centre, Maradu, Kochi  on patients of ages 18 to 65years who underwent elective laproscopic surgeries under general anaesthesia. All patients belonged to ASA 1 or 2 grades. Patients who gave informed and written  consent were randomly divided … Read more

An observational study of different anaesthesia techniques- Spinal Anaesthesia and General Anaesthesia for Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery

With immense improvement in endoscopic and laser technology in the recent years, minimally invasive surgery like Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) is becoming more popular in the treatment of renal calculi. To date the surgery has been largely performed under GA with very limited number of studies on regional anaesthesia for RIRS. The aim of the … Read more

Comparison of the effect of combination of normal saline & half normal saline versus normal saline & lactate based balanced salt solution on acid base status and electrolyte homeostasis intraoperatively and on early graft function postoperatively in kidney transplantation

This study aimed to quantify changes in acid-base balance, different electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride & bicarbonate) following administration of different combinations of intravenous fluids during renal transplantation and to study their effect on early graft function postoperatively. In this double blind study, patients were randomized into two groups( n1=35,n2=39) to receive either combination of normal … Read more

A prospective observational study to evaluate the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients with preoperative carbohydrate loading

Background: Preoperative fasting has been a routine practice in many hospitals to prevent aspiration of gastric contents during surgery. However, recent evidence suggests that oral intake of clear liquids, including commercial carbohydrate preparations, up to two hours before surgery is safe and does not affect gastric content or acidity. These carbohydrate solutions have shorter gastric … Read more

Assessment of Bispectral Index Targeted Induction on Haemodynamic Responses to Laryngoscopy and Intubation during General Anaesthesia

Introduction:Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation (LETI) during general anesthesia can elicit significant haemodynamic responses, potentially posing risks to patients with cardiovascular or cerebrovascular conditions. Ensuring adequate depth of anesthesia during these procedures is crucial for maintaining haemodynamic stability. Additionally, commonly used induction agents like Propofol may cause haemodynamic instability. This study aims to assess the effect … Read more

Prediction of Spinal Hypotension in Cesarean Section: Correlation with Baseline Heart Rate and Postural Changes in Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Introduction:Spinal hypotension is a common and concerning side effect of spinal anesthesia during cesarean sections, affecting both the mother and the fetus. Accurate prediction of spinal hypotension is crucial for proactive management and improved patient outcomes. The occurrence of hypotension is influenced by preoperative sympathetic tone, which, in turn, is dependent on baseline heart rate … Read more

Efficacy of Bisoprolol premedication in controlling bloodloss during functional endoscopic sinus surgery

BACKGROUNDFunctional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is well accepted as surgical  treatment of sinusitis and nasal polyps. The success of this procedure depends on the visual clarity of the highly vascular surgical field through the endoscope. Various drugs and anaesthetic techniques have been tried in an effort to provide the appropriate surgical conditions for FESS. The purpose … Read more
