Step into the intriguing world of anesthesia, where science and medicine converged in a remarkable...
Carcinoid syndrome (CS) is a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with neuroendocrine tumors...
Precurarization is a technique used in anesthesia to reduce the potential adverse effects of...
Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) are vital tools in the field of anesthesia, facilitating...
Pregnancy induces significant changes in the pharmacokinetics of anesthetic drugs, necessitating a...
Introduction to Biomarkers Characteristics of an Ideal Biomarker Characteristic Description High...
Introduction Sugammadex is a unique reversal agent for aminosteroid-induced neuromuscular blockade...
Introduction Ketamine is a versatile medication with a fascinating history, complex pharmacology...
Introduction Anesthetic drug interactions are common in clinical practice, where anesthesiologists...