
Revolutionizing CPR with the LUCAS Chest Compression Device

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique that many are familiar with, yet it...

Peak Airway Pressure and Plateau Pressure on Ventilator: An Overview

Introduction Mechanical ventilation is a cornerstone of modern critical care and anesthesiology...

Honoring Dr. Crawford Long: A Pioneering Spirit in Anesthesia

Introduction As we celebrate Doctor’s Day, it is fitting to honour one of the most pivotal...

HbA1c & Anesthesia

Introduction Diabetes management hinges on monitoring glycemia, with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)...

Cerebral Circulation and Anesthesia: Essential Insights for Optimal Patient Care

Introduction The brain is an organ of immense complexity, requiring a robust blood supply to...