
The Evolution of Closed-Loop Systems in Anesthesia

In the realm of modern medicine, technological innovation continues to transform the landscape of...

Evolution of Intravenous Anesthetics

Early Developments: Barbiturates and Thiopental: Barbiturate Alternatives and Ketamine:...

Corticosteroids in Perioperative Period

In the perioperative setting, corticosteroids, such as methylprednisolone and dexamethasone, play...

The Intricate Relationship Between Anesthesia Medications and QTc Interval

The QTc (corrected QT) interval is important for anesthesia for several reasons: Anesthesia...

Etomidate: A Comprehensive Guide to the Intriguing Anesthetic Agent

Etomidate is a carboxylated imidazole-containing compound used for intravenous induction of...

The Marvels of Propofol

Title: “Propofol: Mechanism, Uses, and Effects” Introduction In this article...

Revolutionizing Anesthesia: How Precision Medicine is Changing the Game

Anesthesia has long been a cornerstone of modern medicine, allowing patients to undergo surgery...

Title: Evolution of Pharmacokinetics and Anesthesia: A Historical Overview

Introduction The field of pharmacokinetics, the study of how drugs interact with the human body, has...

The Rise and Fall of Chloroform in Anesthesia: A Historical Perspective

Introduction The history of anesthesia is a captivating journey marked by discoveries...