Geriatric anaesthesia has developed over the years as doctors have become more aware of the special concerns and difficulties involved in caring for older patients under general anaesthesia.
- Mid-1940s to 1950s: A journal article published in the mid-1940s and a textbook published in the 1950s demonstrate the first interest in geriatric anaesthesia. In spite of this, this region saw very little growth and attention at the time.
- Mid-1980s: The field of geriatric anesthesia gained momentum in the mid-1980s. While medical meetings like the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) annual meeting had little specific geriatric content, the Geriatric Anesthesia Symposium held at Washington University stood out. This symposium was organized annually from 1974 to 1994 and aimed to address the lack of attention given to geriatric anesthesia.
- Early 1990s: The field of geriatric anaesthesia has undergone a rise of relevance since the early 1990s. In 1991, the ASA established the Committee on Geriatric Anaesthesia, and the group convened for the first time the following year. of anesthesiologists in geriatric anaesthesia was a primary emphasis of this group.
- Formation of SAGA: The Society for the Advancement of Geriatric Anesthesia (SAGA) was established in 2000 to involve more ASA members and promote the exchange of ideas in geriatric anesthesia. SAGA and the ASA Committee on Geriatric Anesthesia have been closely linked, with SAGA members actively contributing to projects and educational programs.
- Collaboration with AGS: The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) recognized the importance of incorporating geriatric expertise into various medical specialties, including anesthesiology. The Geriatrics for Specialists Project began in 1994 and involved ten non-internal medicine specialties, including anesthesiology, to develop educational programs.
- Educational Initiatives: The ASA Committee on Geriatric Anesthesia and SAGA focused on providing educational resources and materials. Various documents such as the Syllabus on Geriatric Anesthesia, Geriatric Anesthesiology Curriculum, and Frequently Asked Questions were published to assist practitioners, residents, and healthcare providers.
- Research and Specialization: The field of geriatric anesthesia saw ongoing research in areas that primarily affect older patients, such as postoperative delirium and cognitive dysfunction. Specialized societies and sections in major conferences emerged to address geriatric anesthesia.
- Future Outlook: The future of geriatric anesthesia appears promising, with formal sections dedicated to geriatrics in major anesthesia conferences. Organizations like SAGA and the Age Anaesthesia Association in the UK are dedicated to geriatric anesthesia. Ongoing research and the development of educational resources continue to shape the field.