Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Introduction: Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) is a versatile and indispensable medical tool used at the patient’s bedside for diagnostic purposes and to assist in various medical procedures during the perioperative period. Its history, evolution, and future trends highlight the remarkable progress made in this field. History of POCUS: The roots of POCUS can be traced … Read more

Smart Pumps in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Medication Delivery

Smart pumps have emerged as a transformative technology in healthcare, offering advanced features that significantly improve the safety and precision of medication delivery. This article explores the role of smart pumps in healthcare, their benefits, and key considerations for their implementation. The Significance of Smart Pumps Smart pumps represent a critical advancement in medication administration, … Read more

Elastomeric Pumps: A Convenient Solution for Ambulatory Infusion Therapies

Elastomeric pumps are innovative devices used for the controlled infusion of fluids and medications. Unlike electronic pumps, elastomeric pumps rely on the physical properties of an elastic chamber or balloon to regulate the flow of substances into a patient’s body. This article explores the intricacies of elastomeric pumps, their applications, advantages, and disadvantages. How Elastomeric … Read more

The Evolution of Closed-Loop Systems in Anesthesia

In the realm of modern medicine, technological innovation continues to transform the landscape of healthcare. Anesthesia, a pivotal component of surgical procedures, is not exempt from these revolutionary advancements. Among the remarkable breakthroughs in anesthesia, the integration of closed-loop systems has emerged as a transformative force in optimizing patient care during surgery. This article explores … Read more

Evolution of Intravenous Anesthetics

Early Developments: Barbiturates and Thiopental: Barbiturate Alternatives and Ketamine: Benzodiazepines and Steroid Anesthetics: The Rise of Propofol: Computer-Assisted Titration and TCI: Current Developments and Future of IV Anesthesia: Certainly, here’s a revised version of the content with the names of specific intravenous (IV) anesthetic medications included: Current Developments: Certainly, here’s the table with row 7 … Read more

Corticosteroids in Perioperative Period

In the perioperative setting, corticosteroids, such as methylprednisolone and dexamethasone, play crucial roles in enhancing surgical care. They are known for their ability to modulate inflammation and immune responses. This overview will explore how corticosteroids function and their precise use in various perioperative scenarios, including dosing strategies. Corticosteroids contribute to managing the systemic inflammatory response … Read more

The Intricate Relationship Between Anesthesia Medications and QTc Interval

The QTc (corrected QT) interval is important for anesthesia for several reasons: Anesthesia Medication Impact on QTc Interval Notes Inhalation Anesthetics Sevoflurane Minimal Generally considered safe regarding QTc prolongation. Desflurane Minimal Isoflurane Modest Clinical significance is often negligible. Intravenous Anesthetics Propofol Minimal Generally considered safe regarding QTc prolongation. Etomidate Minimal Thiopental May prolong Use less … Read more

Etomidate: A Comprehensive Guide to the Intriguing Anesthetic Agent

Etomidate is a carboxylated imidazole-containing compound used for intravenous induction of anesthesia. It has unique properties and characteristics that make it a valuable option in certain clinical situations. Commercial Preparations Etomidate was originally formulated with 35% propylene glycol, causing pain during IV injection and occasional venous irritation. However, this formulation has been changed to a … Read more

The Marvels of Propofol

Title: “Propofol: Mechanism, Uses, and Effects” Introduction In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of Propofol, a versatile intravenous anesthetic with a history of remarkable development and widespread clinical applications. We’ll uncover its mechanism of action, explore its diverse uses, and examine how it affects different organs. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey … Read more

Revolutionizing Anesthesia: How Precision Medicine is Changing the Game

Anesthesia has long been a cornerstone of modern medicine, allowing patients to undergo surgery comfortably and safely. Traditionally, anesthesia has been administered as a one-size-fits-all approach, with medications applied uniformly to patients. However, in recent years, a remarkable transformation has been underway in the field of anesthesia, driven by the emergence of precision medicine technologies. … Read more
