Order of Elements in the Vancouver Style Citation:
- Authors:
- For up to six authors, list all authors’ last names and initials, separated by commas.
- For more than six authors, list only the first six followed by “et al.” to indicate additional authors.
- Title of the Article (in sentence case, with no period at the end)
- Journal Title (official NLM abbreviation)
- Year of Publication (followed by a semicolon)
- Volume Number (directly after the year)
- Issue Number (in parentheses after the volume number, if applicable)
- Page Range (start page–end page, without repeating hundreds/tens if they continue from the start)
Example Citation:
If there are three authors:
Smith AB, Brown EF, Patel JK. Monitoring advancements in pediatric anesthesia: A comprehensive review. Pediatr Anesth. 2023;33(5):555-67.
If there are more than six authors:
Smith AB, Brown EF, Patel JK, Williams LM, Davis OP, Chen Y, et al. Monitoring advancements in pediatric anesthesia: A comprehensive review. Pediatr Anesth. 2023;33(5):555-67.
Note: These references are provided solely for educational purposes and not for promotional activities.